Call 01: who is the architect?

Open Call for Content

The first publication “WHO IS THE ARCHITECT?” is part of the series of publications initiated by Building Diversity and published by the Danish Architectural Press. The publications seek to explore and unfold topics on diversity and equality in the architectural field – past, present and future.     

The image of the (successful) architect has historically been constructed as that of a genius,  traditionally perceived as an individualist, unfolding their full talent through their creations. Although this image is being challenged by new generations of students and practising architects, the traditional figure of the architect is still disseminated in professional practice, academia and more broadly through its cultural and visual manifestations.

The traditional ideal of the architect takes its most extreme form through what in a contemporary context is often referred to as starchitect, where success is measured through iconic so-called masterpieces, and not by considering responsibilities of social and environmental consequences.

In architectural practices today, the notion of the starchitect has enabled a work culture where the exploitation of free labour, long working hours, and a general lack of focus on well-being have excluded many from entering and participating in the profession, as well as contributing to its exclusionary image. 

Employees’ expectations are increasingly challenging the status quo and many workplaces have started the process of self-reflection with the goal of still being competitive and attracting emerging talents from the new generations of architects.

In educational institutions, students are finding ways to identify, question and respond to challenges facing the world and the changing nature of the profession, whilst the institutions themselves still widely convey the image of the traditional architect. 

The synergy of many voices from academia and the wider field are increasingly aiming to question and challenge this image, as well as represent other voices seeking more inclusivity, autonomy and diversity. A development that hints toward a future where collectivism can become the new individualism.

The first publication “WHO IS THE ARCHITECT?” aims to bring forward nuanced perspectives on how the profession can critically progress. What could be the diverse foundations and futures for who the architect is? What might be the changes that could enable a more inclusive profession, reflecting the diversity of society? What could become the main drivers for how to accelerate change, so that more can see themselves becoming an architect? And ultimately, who are the architects of the future?

We encourage and welcome abstract submissions in any mother tongue alongside an  English translation. This is to embrace a proper presence of diversity, where language is not an obstacle for being included. 


The publications from Building Diversity will be published as an ongoing series of pocket sized books, accompanied by a digital journal on the Building Diversity website. 

The publications are multilingual and set to be published in 2022/23. 

Contributions can be written formats, visual formats and moving images. See suggestive formats listed below. Contributions can be accepted for either the publication, the website journal or both. The format will be discussed with the contributor. 

Contributions can be submitted in the form of:

A brief composition that describes, clarifies, argues, or analyses.

A visual representation of information or data, e.g. as a chart or diagram.

An account of something told predominantly through photographs, with some accompanying text.

A visualisation or a depiction, such as a drawing, sketch, painting, or other kinds of imagery, using graphical representation.

Digital visualisation or depiction, such as interviews, video essays, analysis. (Will only be part of the Building Diversity website)

The submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the editorial team based on the following criteria: 

  • Relevance to the call 
  • Diversity in regards to contributors*
  • Diversity in regards to themes and formats

*In the selection process there will be a focus on achieving as diverse a list of contributors and formats as possible, taking into consideration the submitted bios and ideas.

The editorial team will be members of Building Diversity in collaboration with external consultants advising on biases, blindspots and how to secure as diverse and qualitative a selection as possible.   

Abstract submissions should be around 200-300 words outlining the main idea of the contribution as well as an impression of the format the contribution will take. Feel free to include your own visual work or clearly credited references. Please also include a bio of around 100 words.   

All abstract submissions should be emailed to by June 25 at 23:59. You are very welcome to contact us if you have any questions or other inquiries at


May 20 – Open call launch  

June 25 – Deadline for abstracts

July 15 – Notice on abstracts 

September 15 – Deadline for drafted contributions

September 30 – Editorial feedback to drafted contributions

October 21 – Deadline for revised contributions

November – Launch of publication & event

This open call has been edited and developed by Building Diversity. 

Opinions and reflections are the groups.