Join Our Community

One thing is certain – we are stronger together.

In Building Diversity we work together across our different perspectives through our backgrounds. As a community we empower, inspire and motivate each other to collectively challenge status quo. We continuously aim to share these spaces with everyone – both internally and externally to the organisation.

If you are curious about the community, you are always welcome to attend one of our events or open meetings to meet members in person. Potential remote members are also welcome, as we host and adapt occasions for inclusion.


Join the organisation as a member and support our work by sharing it within your network.

Write an email to and we will get back to you to talk about how you wish to participate. You will receive information about the different existing departments that are currently running, projects, events, research community activities etc.

Note: We are currently working on an online sign up process and information package for joining Building Diversity – stay tuned.

The growing community up to day…

After all, it is this noticing that makes things real.

Sara Ahmed, Living a Feminist Life

It started with shared experiences. Multiple women and minorities, writing to the Instagram account we had initiated. These experiences primarily concerned sexual harassment and other types of discrimination within architecture. Based on the multiplicity of stories that we received, we engaged with different stakeholders to encourage change. With the authors’ permission, we published their stories anonymously in their submitted language.

This became one of the cornerstones of our organisation: subverting the traditional power structures of architecture by sharing the untold stories of the built environment – and using collective action to press for change. As a heavily Western male-dominated industry, we saw that we needed to encourage educational institutions, organisations and companies within architecture to engage in open dialogues about inclusive environments. While we do not offer tailormade solutions and policies, we have insights and the community to assist building them.

Hence, our new name: as of 2022, we are ‘Building Diversity’, an organisation on a mission to make the built environment more inclusive.”