Who is the Architect?

Open Call for an Imaginary New Logo for The Danish Association of Architects.

The open call for an imaginary new logo aims to start a broader conversation around the image of the architect and the notion of ‘genius’ as a historical and present representation of the architect.

Building Diversity and The Diversity & Equality Platform invites all members of the Danish Association of Architects and collaborators to submit proposals.

The logo of the association has a strong symbolic impact and represents how the architect has previously been perceived both in society and within the field. The current logo from the beginning of the 20th century acts as a point of discussion about the role of the architect and how the image of the architect has evolved over the past hundred years.

What would the logo look like if it was designed today? How is the architect portrayed in 2022?
The current logo shows a nude man, Genius, representing in his gender, status and appearance only a part of the architectural profession. How can a logo represent all of the field, not only in a gendered context but in a broader context with focus on diversity, collaboration, sustainability, and equality?

With this call we want to challenge the perception of the architect as the stand-alone, unique genius, and invite to an open discussion about, what the logo should represent in 2022.

Christine Bjerke, member of Building Diversity and the Diversity & Equality Platform

Submitted proposals will be exhibited at The Danish Association of Architects in Copenhagen and selected proposals will be published in the publication ‘Who is the Architect’ by Building Diversity.


The format of the imaginary new logo is completely up for interpretation – but the submission must maximum cover 1 x A3 page.

Please include:

  • Name(s)
  • Contact information (name, phone number, email)
  • Brief description including how the proposal adresses the question of ‘Who is the Architect?’ (150-200 words)
  • Logo design

Who can participate

All members of the Danish Association of Architects can participate. Non-members can participate in teams with at least one MAA.

The participants are welcome to form multidisciplinary groups with, for example, a graphic designer.

Important dates

Wedensday April 19th
Online launch meeting in the Diversity & Equality Platform
The call is being launched and motivated on the open online meeting “Who is the architect? / Who is Genius?” with a series of brief inputs from researchers and experts. Read more and sign up for the event.

Monday May 18th 2022, 23:59
Deadline for digital submissions of logo proposals
E-mail submission to logo@arkitektforeningen.dk

Mondag May 25th 2022, 17:30-19:00
Open in person event ‘Pecha Kucha Style’
– Discussion, exhibition and celebration of submitted logo proposals.
Programme will be avalible soon